The Wonderfully
World of Art
The eARTh Messengers
Each of my creations has their own stories, their own messages of eco-awareness to share, and each one is an eARTh Messenger. I feel compelled to share their messages on how we must connect and learn to love one another, and learn to love our planet, in order to save our home.
- Kay
A portion from every sale earmarked for donation to an environmental charity.
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What footprint are you leaving?
I am an artist who creates unique, one of a kind works of he’Art from re-purposed, discarded and otherwise unloved materials to give them new life and a new purpose.
- Kay
Inhale Fresh Air, Exhale Magic
Sending out love to the inhabitants of our world and the entire universe!
- Kay
More than logical, it's ECOlogical!
Repurposing, Reusing, Recycling.
It’s the only way to save the Planet.
- Kay
Beads, bits and bobs are brought together and magically come to life in human form.
Homage to honor Mother Earth.
- Kay